That's where. And it was absolutely fantastic. That's why you may (or may not) have noticed my month-plus absence on this ol' blog.
But I'm back in Costa Rica and on Costa Ri(bec)ca too. And mainly because my retired father diligently and lovingly checks this blog every day, and I have failed to pull through for the last nearly forty days. Sorry Pops. (But I waaaaasssss with you the last 20 or so).
But unfortunately, even in this post, I am only going to post some photos from my trip Pops has already seen. Sorry again, Pops.
First, being an epicurean, my main favorite reason of going home to the states is the variety of foods I have access to in America (and in this wonderful time of year!) and more importantly, in my parent's kitchen, and spice shelf.
Of course, that first reason is only second to that of seeing friends and my somewhat odd family (my brother's wedding was the main reason for going back to the US, among other activities):
Also, in America, I got to drive my old Suby which still oh-so-patiently awaits my return in my parents' driveway. Also, I got to lie in perfectly manicured, green grass, i.e. what my father proudly calls his 'carpet.' Barefoot.
Then I went hiking with friends. Yay, hiking. And in Montana too. I went back to old stompin' grounds. And as I biked around Missoula on an old red cruiser with chipped paint with the wind in my hair under a borrowed black helmet with a skull on it, and passed by town characters I used to know, it was if time had stopped while I was away. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Everything felt the same. Minus a few important people who were no longer there. None the less, I had a blast.
And in Montana, we went to a rodeo! Yeeee hawww. I love rodeos. I love rodeos eeeeeveeen more in Montana.
Aahhhhhh yes, that was my time in America. It was three weeks of non-stop, truly American activity. That's where I've been. Now I am back in my site to crank out these last 7 months of my Peace Corps experience. America left me rejuvenated, motivated, and at peace with where I am right now in life. Funny how certain things can give you perspective.
Until next time, readers.