Friday, July 2, 2010

Gardens, Grub, and Greenhouses.

Rain, rain go away...Becca´s garden wants to pla - needs some sun. Yes, the rains have hit full force. This means bad things for my garden. It just doesn´t like thaaaat much water! So, my friend´s husband, Danilo helped me - errrrrrrr, rather - constructed a makeshift greenhouse over the two main beds. I have been enjoying lots of bounty from the garden this year such as leeks, tomatoes, lettuce, patty pan squash, carrots, basil, rosemary, garlic, arugula, and rainbow chard. I can´t wait to get some more seeds while I am back in the USA to start a planting season anew in October (less rain)! I just had to do something once all this water started pouring down non-stop nearly all day....including can a ton of basalmic green tomato chutney. Yum.

In other news.....other garden news..... I made a small garden at the school with the preschool class and some parents. The vegetables are growing well and today we harvested the first full batch of what was ready....each kids got to take home a bunch of lettuce and a big bunch of celery....for their first day of school vacation! Glad to know it´s going to good use....

When we first made the gardens for Earth Day:

Today...getting their goods:

1 comment:

Marian said...

These are absolutely charming gardeners. I just loved it! You need to publish so the world can see!