Monday, October 27, 2008

Waiting, waiting, waiting......

So this is my first attempt at an actual blog. Here goes! I figured what a better time to do one then when I am about to leave for the Peace Corps. "About" in Peace Corps lingo is a very arbitrary and ambiguous word. For me, about means in four months. From the day I first thought about the Peace Corps (back in high school) to when I began the application process to now, it has been a long, long journey. The application process took me over a year to complete, with lots of waiting - waiting to hear if I was nominated, waiting to hear if I passed the health review, waiting to hear my placement. Now, here I am, sitting in my home in Missoula, Montana, waiting yet again - this time to depart for a two year and three month adventure in Costa Rica - land of the Ticos.

As my time in Missoula comes to a close, I have become incredibly reflective...usually during my daily hikes, atop my favorite mountain (south side of Mt. Sentinel) as the crisp air engulfs me and autumn sun sets over Missoula. I have been in Missoula since 2004, and this place has shaped me. During my time here, so many people have come in and out of my life (being the transitory town it is), and everyone of them has made such a huge impact on me. I have THE best community here. And thinking about leaving is just such a bittersweet feeling. All my experiences and memories that have happened here in Missoula are all wrapped up nice and tight into what is now me. And this is the me that is about to embark on this new adventure. How could it be nothing but bittersweet?

As I look forward to what awaits me, I realize how incredibly lucky I am. I could not have been more fortunate to get placed in my number one region of Latin America. My desire to explore a new area of the world and refine my Spanish language skills will be a reality very soon. Anyway, enough sappiness.

Many adventures lie ahead, so this blog is my attempt to keep you tuned. Realistically, I probably won't write another post until the time nears - February or March. And after that, things will get more exciting.

Until next time....more waiting.


marian stumpf said...

From your biggest fans, your mom and dad, we will send you off with mixed emotions waiting to read of wonderful adventures!!!

~Lynn~ said...

SOOOOO excited to read what's ahead! REALLY? We have to wait until February? I want to know what's going on NOW, lady! Yay, I'll add it as a favorite...

PS Love you!

Mario Carrillo said...

Welcome! I'm a PCV in Costa Rica right now and we're all excited for the new group to arrive.

Rebecca said...

THANKS Mario! I'm very much looking forward to it!

Nicole said...

oh becca! i am SO SO SO excited and quite envious of your opportunity. what will you do there?

Kristen Lea said...

Yay! Nice to meet you too. I do indeed have Facebook and have sent you a friend request. Hopefully I can electronically meet the other Costa Rica newbies.

Liz Mahn said...

Hey... just stalking costa rican pcvs' blogs as I'm going too in March. I'm super excited and its good to see others out there!