Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Not much to say....but some to show.

These first few pictures are from my family´s cabin in the mountains that we went to over Holy Week.....a time when pretty much the entire country shuts down.

This is their pool which I swam in every day:

We saw toucans, igunas and hunted for Tilapia......with a gun. Then we ate them for lunch (the tilapia, not the toucans nor iguanas):

This was lunch one day, and it was DEEEEELICIOUS:

Then, when we returned, I spent Easter with two fellow Peace Corps trainees. We went to the mountains and hiked to some waterfalls. It was steep and we were soaked in sweat by the time we arrived:

But, here we are!

That´s all I´ve got for now. I will share more....in words, again soon. My mind is overloaded right now after hitting the books again.


marian stumpf said...

What a treat to see all this. Keep it coming....LOVE to you!!!!

Greta Rybus said...

Wow, too weird! How come people in Montana haven't picked up on this hunting for fish with a gun?

P.S. Hooray for Becca!

Rebecca said...

I know, right Greta?? So weird!