Tuesday, August 18, 2009

28 overstuffed envelopes and the passage of time

Exactly one year ago today, I turned 27. And I can remember that day so clearly. I had spent the day with my lovely roommate Erica playing around in the Blackfoot River near Missoula, Montana, getting lunch and just relaxing. But I also remember receiving something in my mailbox that day. After arriving home from the river, I walked across Pattee Canyon Road to our row of mailboxes. There I saw a huge envelope forcefully stuffed inside. I was giddy with excitement, as I knew just what it was - it was my long anticipated invitation to the Peace Corps, and that day I found out what country I would live in for the next two years. I sat in my backyard by my garden and stream, grasping the overstuffed envelope, barely holding back from carelessly ripping it open like a child and her gifts on Christmas morning. I remember telling myself to be mindful and remember that feeling....that feeling of complete uncertainty, delight, mystery, excitement (what a wonderful birthday present). When I opened the letter and saw the words "Congratulations," and one line below it, "Rica," I instantly knew I was headed to Costa Rica, but I had no idea what was in store for me. So here I am, celebrating one year later in Costa Rica...but this time 28 years.

My day is nearly over and my first birthday in Costa Rica was simple yet lovely. It began at the school where I taught the pre-kinder class to the play the childhood game red-light/green-light. They sang a long rendition of happy birthday to me, and then ten pre-kinder kids swarmed me at once to hug me.....a big group hug. I had a relaxing afternoon at home, and just before dinner went on a run in damp, foggy, mysterious weather. It all ended with the most deeeeeeelicious dinner (yet) of vegetable lasagna, red wine, salad with homegrown yellow, green and orange cherry tomatoes (a welcomed relief from rice and beans) with a wonderful couple in their home (and two more happy birthday songs). This may have marked the latest night out yet (since being in my site)....11 pm......whooew, this Peace Corps life is crazy.

Another year has come to a close. I look ahead (as I did this same time last year) and once again, it is filled with uncertainty, delight, mystery, and excitement...another overstuffed envelope waiting to be opened and unveiled through the passage of time. And so, mindfully I go, into my 28th year.

Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes!!!

(pictures to come soon).


Unknown said...

SO cut!

~Lynn~ said...

Becca, your birthday sounds lovely, as I hope it really was!!! Sorry I missed it, we must catch up this weekend....sending warm belated birthday hugs!

Tom Stumpf said...

What a great B-day! I remember well how excited we all were when I delivered you - time goes too quickly!!! :-(

Brett said...

Wow, I remember turning 28. Not really because it was 20 years ago. Glad to hear things are going well and wish you all the best in this new year of yours. I'm off to float the Yellowstone tomorrow, memories of you will drift by.

marian stumpf said...

Oh, how nice our package arrived!
How well I remember the wonderful day you were born!!!:) Happy Day!

Unknown said...

Where are the more pictures you promised????

Pamarian said...

Hey Becca..Belated Happy Day of your Birth..sounds nice. Tom and I love your blog! I have your blog link on my blog


Also, I have a blog to follow my mother's illness.


Jonathan said...

No one has told you that you're adopted. Well, you're adopted...but I still love you.