Friday, February 26, 2010

My friend, Max.

So I have this friend. He has a really long, complicated name. So let's just call him 'Max' for short.

Okay, okay, I'm not going to lie, he's not really a friend. He's more of an acquaintance. We've known each other since probably December, and have learned to co-exist in the same, small space. But i've got to be honest, he's not the best kind of acquaintance. He's some what of a moocher. He's been mooching some really important things from me since we met, and creating a lot of abnormality in my life. And even worse, he has a really big family, and they all mooch off me too. They've gotten under my skin…deep into my insides, and I can never seem to get rid of them. In fact, now that I think about it, Max is more of an enemy than an acquaintance.

Tomorrow I'm going to seek help - professional help, to figure out how to get rid of such negative influences in my life. We can only hope that the treatment will work.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted.

But for now, here's a picture of him:

Oh, and by the way, his real name is Endolimax Nana. Asi es la vida.


Marian said...

Bad boy, Max! Good bye!!!!

Pamarian said...

out out damn max

Tom Stumpf said...

How did you get his picture?

Jonathan said...

" an intestinal parasite, associated with unsanitary living conditions."

Too much scroopy, Reebs.

Unknown said...

I echo the 'Big Woolly'. Time to clean up your soischstall!